ALIGN. Python library for extracting quantitative, reproducible metrics of multi-level alignment between two speakers in naturalistic language corpora.
Community resources
Here are a few of the community resources that I’ve helped develop. Click on the project description to check out the resource. Additional information related to the project are available in the thumbnails below the description, including open-access publications or preprints
bwlf. Code to help get text data into recurrence-ready analysis form. Development supported by the NSF under grants BCS-0826825 and BCS-0926670.
clustering-tutorial. Tutorial for k-means clustering in R, with lessons on good coding practices and the tidyverse along the way.
crqa-tools. Tutorials and tools to help with RQA and CRQA in R. Currently includes tutorials on continuous and categorical RQA and CRQA, along with tools to help with plotting.
Data on the Mind. A community resource dedicated to helping bridge the gaps between big data and cognitive science.
Data on the Mind 2017 workshop. Materials from Data on the Mind's 2017 summer workshop, aimed at providing early-career researchers in cognitive science and psychology with hands-on introductions to essential data science skills. Exercises and tutorial videos are provided below. Generously funded by the Estes Fund, Berkeley's D-Lab, and Project Jupyter.
Frame-differencing method. MATLAB code for measuring body movement and interpersonal synchrony from videos. Development supported by the NSF under grants BCS-0826825 and BCS-0926670.
Gensim-LSI-Word-Similarities. Functions to calculate various similarity scores from Gensim's latent semantic indexing in Python.
living-documents. A tutorial on using Jupyter notebooks and R markdown to create living documents, reproducible reports, and reproducible manuscripts. Includes Binder-based demonstration to get you started (nearly) instantly.
NODS in psychological research. Repository of exercises and code associated with my Spring 2021 class, "Naturally occurring data in psychological research" (PSYC 5570).
plotting-coupled-data. Code plots coupled categorical and continuous time series in a single, elegant plot. It was originally created to visualize concurrent speech (categorical) and movement (continuous) signals in the same plot.